• GPS: n/a
  • Depth: n/a
  • Temperature: n/a
  • Heading: n/a
  • Speed: n/a
  • Time: n/a
  • ID: n/a

Lanai Island
United States

No map available
30 Aug 2015 08:09 to 08:56
Duration: 47 mins
Length: n/a
Dive Depth: n/a
Visibility: n/a
Temperature: 28°C
Dive Team:
Team: 6
Manuel Gonzalez, Ana Herrera
Low coral cover and relief at the beginning of the transect. Reef turned into shallow spoors and grooves where coral cover is higher. Schools of grunts. Abundant Parrotfish and Peacock grouper (invasive species). Abundant macroalgae.
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