Transect 38-017
Transect Details
Images | 679 |
Day | 12 |
Start | 2015-08-23 13:01:44 |
End | 2015-08-23 13:38:23 |
Duration | 37mins |
Length | 1.37km |
Max Depth | n/a |
Visiblity | n/a |
Temperature | 29°C |
Dive Team | 7 |
Divers | Manuel Gonzalez, Peter Dalton |
Observations | Large extensions of sediment runoff along the east coast of Lanai. These conditions are not common on this area, but there is high erosion of soild on land, and heavy rainfaills on the top of the montain can cause intense sediment runoff on corals arround Lanai. Very poor visibility. Survey aborted after 35 minutes because of very poor light conditions. Reef appeared very healthy and diverse. |
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