Transect 38-029
Transect Details
Images | 901 |
Day | 16 |
Start | 2015-08-27 12:21:47 |
End | 2015-08-27 13:07:57 |
Duration | 46mins |
Length | 1.785km |
Max Depth | n/a |
Visiblity | n/a |
Temperature | n/a |
Dive Team | 8 |
Divers | Anajani Ganase, Ana Herrera |
Observations | Where coral dominated massive colonies of Porites spp were the most common species. However, patches of Pocillopora appeared across the transect. Noticeable abundance of Parrotfish, Surgeonfish and grunts. Common sea urching, but not as a abundant as other reef sites. High abundance of Peacock grouper (invasive species). |
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