Transect 38-041
Transect Details
Images | 857 |
Day | 19 |
Start | 2015-08-31 08:53:00 |
End | 2015-08-31 09:36:00 |
Duration | 43mins |
Length | 1.696km |
Max Depth | n/a |
Visiblity | n/a |
Temperature | 28°C |
Dive Team | 3 |
Divers | Anjani Ganase, Manuel Gonzalez |
Observations | The transect started inside a sheltered bay where coral development was high. Howver, large coral moratlity was observed and terrigneous sediment was trapped on macroalgae and long-turf mat. Coral cover was patchy, dominated by montipora, Porites and Pocillopora. Two apprently different species of Montipora observed, both of them with encrusting or plate morphologies. Reef in this section finsihed at about 12m depth. After exhiting the bay, reef turned into solid pavement where pocillopora colonies were sparse. Following this section, rocky spoors and grooves dominated the topograpphy where Porites compressa and massive forms dominated the coral composition. Coral cover , however, has low (10-20%). COTS observed, although at very low densities. |
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