Transect 38-032
Transect Details
Images | 910 |
Day | 16 |
Start | 2015-08-28 10:47:57 |
End | 2015-08-28 11:34:35 |
Duration | 47mins |
Length | 1.722km |
Max Depth | n/a |
Visiblity | n/a |
Temperature | 28°C |
Dive Team | 7 |
Divers | Manuel Gonzalez, Pete Dalton |
Observations | Rocky reef, where pocillopora dominated the coral composition, patchly distributed on top of rocky boulders. Crown-of-Thorn starfish present. Large parrotfish abundant throughout the dive. Small and encrusting Pavona spp coral appeared communly through the transect. First time we observed softcoral (Sinnularia-like) scattered thought the transect. |
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